Top 10 Signs That The Referee At Your Meet Is Nuts!
Insists on the playing of "Hail to the Chief" whenever he walks on deck.
Accepts DQ's with a curt "Book em Danno".
Insists swimmers quote the FINA rules before being allowed up on the blocks.
Sentences swimmer to 2 hours hard labour on deck for one hand touch on breaststroke.
Swims 3 swimmers per lane in the 50 Free in order to speed up the meet.
Insists on bathroom break before all eliminator events to avoid confusion
Insists on giving the "Baseball Safe Signal" after every race without a DQ
Kicks water on the shoes of any coach that approaches him to question a call
Insists that stroke and turn judges demonstrate proper stroke technique on deck as swimmers approach
After any second false start, he hands swimmer a blindfold and cigarette and has the Starter carry out a mock firing squad.