Number of Officials Required to Run a Meet
How many Officials are Required to Run a Swim Meet? No, this isn't the start of something akin to a light bulb joke. Ulla Larson and Lawrie Johns prepared this list for the November 1996 B.C.S.O.A. Newsletter "Off the Blocks".
Referee: 2
Starter: 2
Stroke/Turn: 6
Finish Judges: 3
Chief Finish Judge: 1
Chief Timer: 1
Asst. Chief Timer: 1
Lane Timers: 24
Clerk of Course: 2
Marshall: 1
Electronics Operators: 2
Runners: 2
Announcer: 1
Meet Manager: 1
Asst. Meet Manager: 1
Meet Secretary: 1
Equipment Set Up: 3
Recorder/Scorer: 2
Recording Room: 3
Awards/Protocol: 3
Hostessing: 4
Program Sales & Concession: 5
Clean Up and Tear Down: 4
The grand total is 75 people! It's a wonder that they get off the ground at all when you think about it.